
San Carlos, California USA

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An Urgent Message
08/14/2024(PST)Homepage update and manual settings are back
10/15/2023(PST) 30 days Premium Module Key in Automatic Setting site.
i-KeyHoleTV has been uploaded for the new provision profile.
25-days Premium Module Key will change to 30 days at 10/15/2023.
Details on the homepage.
08/25/2023(PST) Premium module key changes price or number of
daysPlease note that.
07/25/2023(PST)We will change the price or valid days of the premium module
key. Please see our website for details.
06/24/2023(PST) AT&T has fixed setting. The automatic setting
is working.
06/22/2023(PST) AT&T makes wrong setting. Now Only manual site is
available. I am sorry, in convenience.
04/16/2023(PST) Paypal does not allow to use Internet Explore.
Please switch to Microsoft Edge. Please click the followings:
Make the switch to Microsoft Edge .
10/12/2022(PST) I have uploaded i-KeyHoleTV for iOS15. The version of KeyHoleTV
has new provision profile. If your i-KeyHoleTV does not work, please erase old
version of KeyHoleTV and access www.oiseyer.com by safari, and install it.
Also, i-KeyHoleTV for iOS8, I an working now. Please wait.
8/23/2022(PST) 22:00 The problem comes from server's ISP. Servers's ISP blocks
sending UDP packets. Now ISP has fixed problem.
8/23/2022(PST) We have a problem about packets routeing now video/audio programs
distributor. Now we trying to solve the packets routeing issue.
7/11/2022(PST) We have DOS attack to video/audio programs distributor.
Now Tokyo area TV programs stop. Please wait until to solve DOS attack.
2/19/2022(PST) KeyHoleTV Server address
has been changed.
2/15/2022(PST) KeyHoleTV Server address is
going to change. Please download/install KeyHoleTV followings
versions: Windows, Mac, Linux. 2/20/2022 (JST) 2.00(AM) old server is going
to shutdown and the new server is going to available at 2:30 (AM). Please
down/install KeyHoleTV and KeyHoleVideo address change program. After 2/20 (JST),
KeyHoleTV and KeyHoleVideo which have old address, can not log in.
12/23/2021 (PST) I have created i-KeyHoleTV for
iOS 15. You can download/install it.
10/20/2021 (PST) Paypal has fixed a BUG. Now automatic
setting system works on Windows7 IE.
10/12/2021 (PST) i-KeyHoleTV does not work on iOS15.x.
Please wait to update iOS. Now I am trying to fix.
09/28/2021 (PST) Paypal has a BUG for
Express Check Out system. In case of Windows7 (or upper) IE does not
work on Automatic setting system. However, the other browser works on
Windows7. I have already sent a BUG report to Paypal. If you want
a year Premium Module key, I can send an invoice.
02/12/2021 (PST) The problem comes from Godday’s PHP version update.
When Godaddy updates PHP version, old version libraries does not inherit.
Now you can buy a Premium Module Key.
02/11/2021 (PST) The sales of Premium Module key site does not work now
The problem comes from Godday PHP version. I will fix as soon as possible.
Please use the manual setting site.
12/12/2019 (PST) MacOS 10.14 64bits KeyHoleTV has been uploaded.
32bits applications are not going to execute on MacOS10.15 (macOS Catalina).

11/23/2019 (PST) NHK,TBS,FujiTV,NihonTV,TV Tokyo and TokyoMX have
been changed new hardwares. KeyHoleTV can watch normally video/audio

11/19/2019 (PST) TBS, NihonTV, TV Tokyo and TokyoMX have a hardware
problem. These programs are sound only. After new hardwares arrive, the
programs are going to start. Sorry for your inconvenient.
10/14/2019 (PST) i-KeyHoleTV runs
on iOS13. You can download/install i-KeyHoleTV on iOS13
10/12/2019 (PST) I have uploaded
i-keyholetv with the new provision profile. However the app dose not
launch on iOS13. Please do not upgrage iOS13.
04/01/2019 (PST) I have upload
for Cydia. Please add www.oiseyer.com/iOS12/ to the
Cydia repository.
10/21/2018 (PST) I have uploaded new version of i-KeyHoleTV.
The version of i-KeyHoleTV is able to launch on iOS12.1, iOS11, iOS10.
Please download and instal it. The bug comes from Apple Code Sign issue.
Something wrong in Apple XCode or iOS12. I have also changed Home
10/15/2018 (PST) I found a reason for i-KeyHoleTV on
The BUG comes from Apple. And I will release i-KeyHoleTV as soon as possible.
9/26/2018 (PST) i-KeyHoleTV does not work on iOS12.
Please do not upgrade to iOS12.
I am trying to fix the problem.
9/25/2018 (PST) i-KeyHoleTV for iOS, has been uploaded for a new Provision Profile.
Please delete old i-KeyHoleTV and install from OISEYER Download page.
8/30/2018 (PST) I have uploaded Privacy Policy for the site and
KeyHoleTV. Site Priavcy Policy and KeyHoleTV Privacy Policy.
8/22/2018 (PST) I have uploaded the verification movies which
KeyHoleTV is faster than CHIDEJI and One Seg.
6/13/2018 16:13(PST) The purchase of Premium Module Key
system is available. I am sorry your inconvenience.
6/13/2018 (PST) The purchase site is probationary . I .
The problem is lines and devices. You can purchase a Premium Module Key.
Please use "Manual setting" button.
6/11/2018 (PST) The purchase site has a network problem.
So, you can not buy a Premium Module Key. Also, I can not set Premium
Module Key until the fixing network problem. We are sorry about
inconvenience. I will try fix the problem as soon as possible.
12/20/2017(PST) A year Premium Module Key has been changed the price.
09/27/2017(PST) The version of 9/26 i-KeyHoleTV has bug which i-KeyHoleTV
stops 10 or 15 minutes to watch. I have fixed bugs i-KeyHoleTV. Please
download and install it. In this time you need to delete old i-KeyHoleTV.
09/26/2017(PST) i-KeyHoleTV is updated. This verison supports
iOS11 and extending provision profile.
KeyHoleTV for iOS is available for 39 customers who have a year
Premium Module Key. Please send an e-mail to help.keyholetv@gmail.com
or please click here to
send e-mail to OISEYER Inc.
03/03/2017(PST) The automatic purchasing system is up. I am sorry for your inconvenience.
03/02/2017(PST) The automatic purchasing system is down now.
Please purchase a Premium Module Key by the manual purchasing system.
02/14/2017(PST) We will be relocating the program distribution equipment from 2/22
(Wednesday) to 2/26 (Sunday) in Japan time. Therefore, the program may
stop and start intermittently. We apologize for any inconvenience this
may cause. Your support is greatly appreciated.
09/23/2016(PST) i-KeyHoleTV which has a new provision profile, is available
in DownLoad. When your i-KeyHoleTV dose not work by the tap, please
tap Download button in Download Page by your iOS device.
06/14/2016(PST) The communication between US and Japan might solve the
problem at 9:50.
06/13/2016(PST) The communication between US and Japan might have the problem
in ADSL or Cable Modem since 19:30. It looks like the zover
traffic. KeyHoleTV might be effected by the over traffic. However, in
case of 3G or 4G LTE does not have problem.
Also, the sales of Automatic setting Premium Module Key might have effect the over traffic.
01/24/2016 (PST) When users buy a Premium Module Key, users should
receive a receipt from Paypal. Please check your receipt in your e-mail. Sometimes the receipt
might stored in SPAM folder. Please Check it. Also, when users ask to OISEYER by the inquire,
the answer might store in SPAM folder also. Please check your e-mail.
12/14/2015(PST) Home page has been updated for Price Increase Notice for Premium Module Key
09/23/2015(PST) i-KeyHoleTV for iOS 9 has been built on the new provision profile
(updating expire date). If i-KeyHoleTV is not working on iOS 9, Please contact to us.
OISEYER Inc. is going to send it via e-mail.
08/21/2015(PST) The bug of disappearing paypal window is fixed in payment. I am so sorry about
to take a log time. If you use the second button to buy a Premium Module Key, please attach
the KeyHole user name in the NOTE.
08/21/2015(PST) OISEYER.com home page has been transfered. The paypal express check out
system has a problem about a paypal secure window has gone. Paypal is trying to solve
the problem now. The bug is happen in the during purchasing. But paypal does not charge
any fee in the paypal account or a credit card. Please use
the second Buy Now button
in the home page. In this time please
attach KeyHole user name in the note.
07/19/2015(PST) The version 2-3 A-KeyHoleTV has been released. The version
has fixed for black screen in the some devices.
06/05/2015(PST) The version 2-1 A-KeyHoleTV has been released. The version
has fixed for memory allocation, installable on SD card and checking
unconnected network.
05/17/2015(PST) The version 2-0 A-KeyHoleTV has been released. The version
has registration feature and purchasing a Premium Module Key.
05/07/2015(PST) The version 1-9 A-KeyHoleTV has been released. The version
is fixed bugs for Android OS 5.0.
15/05/05(PST) The version 1-8 A-KeyHoleTV has been released. The version shows
a status bar and during A-KeyHoleTV shows a motion picture, A-KeyHoleTV dose not
become a sleep mode. In OS 5.0 (Lollipop), A-KeyHoleTV crashes after terminating by
HOME button or Back Button. The bug comes from OS 5.0. Please make a complete stop
by Recent App Button.
05/01/2015(PST) A-KeyHoleTV is fined for the terminate operation of HOME button,
Back button and changing sense region of a button on top bar and bottom bar.
Also, the dialog box for he program password is fixed. akeyholetv1-6.apk has
been released. Installing application at Download.
04/29/2015(PST) A-KeyHoleTV is fixed for the keeping screen.
04/28/2015(PST) A-KeyHoleTV is fixed for HOME button bug.
04/26/2015(PST) A-KeyHoleTV is fixed for the sound delay.
04/24/2015(PST) A-KeyHoleTV for Android has been released. The application
can install at ..
01/03/2015(PST) MKeyHoleTV for Windows Mobile 5.0, 6,5 has been released.
This version of KeyHoleTV needs Touch Panel device. This version of
KeyHoleTV is used the independent GUI library. The library will use to port
Android KeyHoleTV.
14/11/29(PST) Only Premium Module Key customers can find stolen wireless
LAN and bad cookies in the browser. Please contact to us.
11/9/2014(PST) i-KeyHoleTV for iOS 8.x has been released.
10/6/2014(PST) A broadcaster has been reported about Internet provider problem.
The Internet Provider can not keep stable Internet connection.
8/30/2014(PST) When you purchase a premium module key, PayPal may stop
the purchase temporarily. In that case, please use the emergency
button "Buy Now" and please attach the username.
1/27/2014(PST) For Power outage, the part of purchasing system of the
Premium Module Key has stopped from 1:30 (AM) - 11:44 (AM). Now
the purchasing system is working. I am so excuse about inconvenience.
1/4/2014(PST) Some attacks came from KeyHole user IP address. So
I am so excuse about the back upping system is delay.
1/1/2014(PST) As KeyHole server has been attacked from many places.
Normally, when KeyHole server is attacked, KeyHole server stops.
However, KeyHole server could not stop 1/1 and communication pipes
are filled.
12/31/2013(PST) As KeyHole server has been attacked from France,
Japan and the other country.The server has restarted at 3:50(PST),
5:01(PST),5:50(PST),6:16(PST),6:41(PST),7:02(PST). Because all pipes are
full by attacks. Also, Server is stooped by the server maintain at 7:39(PST).
I am so excuse about the restarting server.
12/08/2013(PST) If a year Premium Module Key is needed, Please send an
e-mail from Inquiry. OISEYER Inc.
sends an invoice via Paypal.
11/09/2013(PST) JB iPhone can install i-KeyHoleTV via Cydia.
10/30/2013(PST) KeyHoleVideo4.73 has been released. This version of
KeyHoleVideo is fixed for GDI memory leak.
10/02/2013(PST) i-KeyHoleTV is fixed bug for iOS7.
08/01/2013(PST) If a year Premium Module Key is needed, Please send an
e-mail from Inquiry. OISEYER Inc.
sends an invoice via Paypal.
05/30/2013(PST) Wireless LAN makes visual disorder of KeyHoleTV.
Please send an e-mail from Inquiry.
OISEYER Inc. replays the solution of the problem.
04/22/2013(PST) KeyHole server has been fixed. Now the purchase of
Premium Module Key has been started. If you have a problem about
Premium Module Key, Please contact to us.
04/22/2013(PST) KeyHole server ups!!!. However, the current
version of KeyHole system is testing version.
04/21-22/2013 (PST) KeyHole server has been broken by CRL.
I have no idea why they want to do. Please call CRL.
04/09/2013 (PST) KeyHole server has been fixed. Now the purchase of
Premium Module Key has been started.
04/08/2013 (PST) KeyHole server has errors. Now the purchase of Premium
Module Key is stopped.
04/08/2013 (PST) KeyHole services has been started. Also, the purchase of
Premium Module Key has been started.
04/04/2013 (PST) KeyHole services has been started. However, the current
system is testing mode.
04/03/2013 (PST) KeyHole services will start late night 04/04(PST).
OISEYER Inc. will add 5 more days Premium Module Key. Also, Some data
will not recover from 13/03/28 (PST) to 13/04/02 (PST). Data might be
the followings:
User changed password. Taken Free Premium Module Key. However, Premium
Point will be reset date and KeyHoleVideo user can get FREE Premium
Module Key. Pleas tell us if you can not log in.
04/03/2013 (PST) The server room has a problem for power outage.I don't
have known the reason yet.Now the power is backed. I am trying
recovery software.
04/02/2013 (PST) Something wrong about Network. I am checking now.
02/20/2013 (PST) Linux KeyHoleTV2.1 has been released. This version is
fixed for sound device selection.
02/7/2013 (PST) As many Premium Module Key users are increase, KeyHole
system resources are transferred from non Premium Module Key users to
Premium Module Key users.
02/6/2013 (PST) Windows KeyHoleTV4.25, MacKeyHoleTV2.7 for OS
and 10.6 has been released. This version is fixed for the other user
name log in.
01/28/2013 (PST) Windows KeyHoleTV4.24 has been released. This version
is fixed for registration.
01/15/2013 (PST) Linux KeyHoleTV2.0 (x64 and Ubuntu i386) has been
12/22/2012 (PST) MacKeyHoleTV2.8 has been released. The version is
working on OS10.4 and OS10.5.
12/17/2012 (PST) KeyHole server has been attacked from many
addresses. So the server stops during the attack. 14/2012 (PST)
MacKeyHoleTV2.7 for OS10.4 and 10.5 has been released.
12/13/2012 (PST) i-KeyHoleTV for iOS5 is stored in Cyida repository in
http://www.oiseyer.com/ios5. Please add repository in your iPhone,
iPad or iPod.
12/7/2012 (PST) The bug of Premium Point is fixed. Please take FREE
Premium Module key, If you have enough Premium Point.
12/4/2012 (PST) i-KeyHoleTV for IOS5 and IOS6 has been released.
12/3/2012 (PST) For attacking protection purpose, the server has been
11/29/2012 (PST) Server has been attacked. And then Server
restart. The situation
happened from 11/23. Server might be restart.
11/10/2012 (PST) We have released New version of KeyHoleTV for
MacOS10.4,10.5 and Windwos.
11/9/2012 (PST) It seems that our server has attacked. In this time,
the server automatically stops and restarts.
11/9/2012 (PST) We have communication problem. Now fixed. Researching
11/8/2012 (PST) We start to sell Premium Module key.
11/2/2012 (PST) Server has been changed period for NON-Premium User.
And Data base has corrupted and fixed.
11/ 1/2012 (PST) Server has a problem to setting. I have fixed the
problem. However, all user data is reset. If a user has
a log in name and a password from OISEYER Inc. the user will
not have problem. Users who have Premium Point, Please recreate
Premium Module Key Again.
11/ 1/2012 (PST) Server has problem to log in in now. I will
check. Please wait.
11/ 1/2012 (PST) All systems are new. Premium Module Key is available
However, purchase system is under constructing.
09/18/2012 (PST) The place where the server sets, solves a problem.
09/18/2012 (PST) The place where the server sets,has a problem. The
server can not handle high performance. Therefore administrator stops
the video/audio programs.
09/13/2012 (PST) Home page has been updated.
06/15/2012 (PST) Home page has been updated.
11/20/2011 (PST) Home page has been updated.
09/ 6/2011 (PST) All video and audio programs are distributed by
KeyHoleVideo users. I have no answer about video and audio programs
and their password.
05/02/2011 (PST) OISEYER Inc. Home Page has been renewal.The home page
has an urgent message box.

Installation of i-keyholetvfor by Cydia

Cydia Repository
In case of Cydia, Please set a repository as
Cydia -> Sources -> Edit -> Add and
You need to tap www.OISEYER.com to install i-keyholetv.

Installation of AD-HOC i-keyholetv for iOS 8 Later

Install (iOS 14, iOS 15 later)

Install (iOS 8 - iOS 13)

AD-HOC version i-keyholetv includes a provision Profile which has UDID. You can not install i-keyholetv to your iOS device without UDID registration in Apple developer site. Alos, this verion can be installed on iOS 8.0 - iOS 14 or ios 15 later.

For installation AD-HOC version i-keyholetv, please tap "Install" button by safari on your iOS device. You can see the following on your iOS device:
iOS j
You need to tap "Install" on your device, i-keyholetv is going to be installed.

Installation of AD-HOC i-keyholetv for iOS 5,6,7

Install (iOS5、6、7)